2024–2025 IAIA BFA Exhibition: Kinship Woven Through Ancestral Lands—Panel Discussion
Fri, April 18, 1:00 pm–2:30 pm

Image: Kayla Wanatee (Sac and Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa), More Sacreder Than Thou (detail), 2024, acrylic on Canvas, 30 x30 inches, photograph courtesy of the artist
Please join us on Friday, April 18, from 1:00 to 2:30 pm for the 2024–2025 IAIA BFA exhibition panel discussion, Kinship Woven Through Ancestral Lands. This event is co-curated by IAIA student curator Christine Adams (Tlingit) and the IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts (MoCNA) Curatorial Assistant Stephanie Stewart (Navajo and Kiowa).
Participating artists include Nelson Albuquerque, Rylin Becenti (Diné), Montana James Miller (Diné), Savannah Morales (Tachi Yokut), Lisa Patencio (Native Village of Ruby), Jennifer Peters, Jade S. Valdéz/Pom Ché-ka-o-n-é (Picuris Pueblo), Kayla Wanatee (Sac and Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa).
For more information, please contact the IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts (MoCNA) Curatorial Assistant Stephanie Stewart (Navajo and Kiowa) at sstewart@iaia.edu or (505) 428-5927.