Student Accounts
A student’s failure to meet his/her financial obligation has a negative impact on IAIA and the IAIA community. Accordingly, IAIA has adopted the following terms and conditions regarding payment of IAIA tuition, fees and charges:
- Payment of tuition, fees, room and board charges are due and payable at the time of registration.
- A student may be dropped from classes or removed from IAIA housing if a check issued to IAIA for payment is returned for nonpayment. The unpaid balance of tuition and fees, plus a $30.00 returned check charge, will be become due and payable immediately.
- Any student finishing the semester without paying all amounts due to IAIA will be prohibited from registering for any additional classes at IAIA, from obtaining, receiving or sending transcripts, from graduating, and from receiving any other IAIA administrative services.
- If a student’s enrollment at IAIA is terminated for any reason, the unpaid balance of tuition and fees shall be due and payable immediately.
- If a student has a schedule change (e.g., dropping or changing classes) that results in a refund being due, the refund will first be applied to any unpaid balance owed to IAIA, including but not limited to amounts owed on any promissory note(s) to IAIA.
- Students scheduled to live in IAIA housing must have their accounts in good standing by the first day of the semester. Good standing means the student’s room, board, tuition and other fees are paid in full. Students whose accounts are not in good standing by the first day of the semester are subject to having housing reservations voided and being placed on a waiting list for housing.
- Students who fail to meet their financial obligations to IAIA, including but not limited to defaulting on payment of an IAIA promissory note or failing to pay tuition, fees, or charges, may be referred to a collection agency. IAIA may also pursue payment and its rights, including payment of interest and attorneys fees, pursuant to the Federal Debt Collection Procedures Act, 28 U.S.C. § 3001 et seq.
Disbursement of Awards
- Scholarships, federal and state funds, and other outside scholarships or grants received on behalf of a student are credited directly to the student’s account. When a credit balance exists, the student will receive a disbursement via an excess funds check. Annual awards are divided in half; half is applied to the Fall semester and half to the Spring semester.
- Disbursements are available on the first Friday following the last day to drop classes without appearing on transcripts.
- Work-study wages are paid directly to students on a biweekly basis through the Payroll office. Students are responsible for submitting their individual time sheets to their supervisors in a timely manner. Students who do not submit time sheets will not be paid.
Payment of Expenses
Student Responsibility for Financial Obligations
It is the responsibility of the student to understand his/her financial obligations to IAIA and to ensure that these are paid on a timely basis so as to permit the uninterrupted completion of his/her educational program. The student is responsible for the payment of all charges, including tuition, on-campus room and board, and all fees at the time of registration. A student will not receive transcripts or statements of matriculation until all financial obligations to IAIA are paid in full. A student will not be allowed to register for subsequent semesters until his/her outstanding account has been paid in full (see exemptions below).
Acceptable forms of payment include: cash, check, money order, credit/debit cards. Payments can be made in person, by mail, by phone and online (via Empower).
Third Party Payment
- If parents, guardians or tribal agencies wish to accept responsibility for payment of a student’s charge, then the student must forward a copy of his/her statement to the responsible paying entity or make arrangements with Student Accounts.
- If a student is eligible for financial assistance from a tribe or other agency, and payment from the awarding agency has not been received at the time of registration, the student will be granted a deferment in that amount upon receipt of a signed award letter. A student’s registration may be cancelled if all fees are not paid or a payment plan has not been approved by Student Accounts.
Assistance from IAIA
Balance Allowances
- End of Fall: Student must have their bill paid down to $750 (on-going tolerance between Fall/Spring semesters).
- End of Spring:Student must have their bill paid down to $200 (on-going tolerance between Spring/Fall semesters).
- In order to pre-register, students must reach the tolerance by the pre-registration deadline for the upcoming semester.
- In order to register, students must reach the tolerance by the drop/add date each semester.
Monthly Payment Plan
A student whose financial obligation has not been met may be eligible for a payment plan. Payment plans are created on an individual basis by the Student Accounts Office. To be eligible for a payment plan, a student must have no prior outstanding financial obligation to IAIA and must sign a promissory note with Student Accounts Office. Pre-registered students must have a signed “payment plan” in place by the Last Day to ADD/DROP for each term or the student’s registration will be dropped. If the student has been awarded financial aid and the financial aid amount is sufficient to cover the student bill, the Student Accounts Office will be notified by the Financial Aid Office and a payment plan will not be required. If a payment plan is approved, the student must pay his/her balance in full by the last day to register for the upcoming semester or if graduating, by the last day of the Month of the graduating semester. For those students who have pre-registered and still have an outstanding balance due, they must meet with the Student Accounts Office to arrange a payment plan.
Student Account Credit for Supplies
Eligible students may apply to receive up to a $400 advance per semester to be used for the timely purchase of supplies from the vendors of their choice. Eligibility is determined by the Financial Aid Office based upon official FAFSA submission and results. Additional information about this advance is available through Student Accounts Office.
Delinquent Accounts
Collection Agency
Pre-approved scholarships, grants and financial aid will be considered as payment for the duration of the semester. If financial aid is not expected by the student then it is the responsibility of the student to sign a promissory note and make monthly payment arrangements. This must be done within the first 30 days a student is registered. Any past due debts exceeding 120 days are considered delinquent accounts and may be sent to a collection agency.
Withdrawal and Refund Policies
Tuition Refund Policy (Fall and Spring)
Time Range | Refund Amount |
First week of classes | 90% |
Second week of classes | 80% |
Third week of classes | 70% |
Fourth week of classes | 60% |
After the fourth week of classes no tuition will be refunded
Tuition Refund Policy (Summer)
After the second day of classes no tuition will be refunded
Room and Board Refund
If a student withdraws prior to moving into the dorm, room and board will be refunded 100%. Otherwise dorm room and meal plan refunds will be pro-rated based on the number of weeks the student has stayed in the dorm. Any room damage will be deductible.
Financial Aid Refund Policy
If a student who is withdrawing received financial aid, a refund will be made according to the refund policy of Title IV Aid. Refunds for Federal Title IV programs shall be made according to the following distribution priority list:
- Federal Pell Grant Program
- Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant Program
- State Grants
- Tribal Scholarships
- IAIA Scholarships
- The Student Incentive Grant

Scott Whitaker
Financial Aid Director
Student Success Center
P (505) 424-5724