Student Success Advisors
Student Success Advisors provide support and services to help guide students as they work towards completion of their degree program. Throughout the semester Student Success Advisors connect students to campus resources and support services. They refer students to academic/mental and behavior health/ADA resource providers to help ensure a successful academic career while at IAIA.
Support services are provided in the following areas:
- ADA Program
- Individual Student Success Plans
- Learning Lab (Tutoring)
- Food & Community Nights
- Blue Corn Mornings during mid-term and final exams
- Early Support Program
- Mentorship Program
- The Pantry
- Alpha Chi Honor Society
Student Success Advisors’ offices are located in the Student Success Center within the Library and Technology Center (LTC) Building.

Sheila Martinez
(San Ildefonso Pueblo)
Student Success Advisor
Student Services
P (505) 424-5707